------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Welcome to the AO update, volume 1, issue 3 - 17 Sept. 1999 *** ------------------------------------------------------------------- *** AO Update is a free weekly newsletter provided by Amiga.org *** *** to tell you what is happening in the Amiga community. *** ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, ok, I know I just sent out the AO Update on Monday, but I really want to get beck into the habit of doing the updates on Fridays if I can help it. It gives us all something to read and think about over the weekend. As a result, there are only 5 days news listed in this update to include some we missed posting to the last edition. If this is a problem, please feel free to let us know. (Send mail to webmaster@amiga.org) ----- "Final Fury" (or AI's news since Monday) ----- Since Monday's AO Update, two new Executive Updates were posted on Amiga's site by CEO Tom Schmidt. The first, admittedly vague and elusive was countered by a second Update posted this morning. In this morning's update, Mr. Schmidt takes a more direct approach to answering several questions that had been plaguing the community since last Friday's mysterious Business Week article. Please, read it. While it doesn't tell all, or even clear up every question you might have, it does clearly state their intentions. For example, it clearly stipulates that Amiga will NOT build their own MCC / ATX computer, *but* they welcome any third party company that wants to license the MCC / ATX and build them. (can someone say "Gateway"?) Already, the online community appears strongly divided. Whether or not you like Amiga's new direction depends on whether you are willing to accept a complete paradigm shift. Said shift in thinking has come from the fact that future Amiga technology will exist in every information appliance, not merely as a desktop computer. To quote Bill McEwen's 1998 Sacramento speech, ---- "we aren't building anything" "we're going to design the technology, then license it to others to use" "this will let us get our technology into millions of devices, instead of thousands of desktops." "we can't win by building a non-standard desktop computer then taking on Microsoft and Gateway." "Even a large company like Gateway 2000, the world's largest PC seller would be eaten alive if Microsoft and Intel saw us coming." ---- I will openly admit that it wasn't in their best interest to "tease" the community with dreams of ATX motherboards and MCC's in every room. The promise of hardware, then the abrupt death of that promise has seriously degraded the morale, if not population, of our already fragile community. The funny thing is, factually, hardly anything has changed at Amiga. Most of the fury was driven by speculation and rumor. If you will allow, I personally liked and respected Jim Collas, for both his qualifications on paper, and his great great ability for public speech the few times I was lucky enough to witness it. In retrospect however, I wonder how much of the problems we're seeing today are because of the fact that his dream (ATX/MCC) was such a variation on the Amiga plans circa 1998 (pre-Collas). Collas came on board, and like a PR whirlwind he lauded the community for it's tenacity, "promised" us the replacement for our current Amigas that we wanted, and told us (perhaps too much) how he wanted to get us there. I quoted "promise" because after reviewing the speeches and updates, I can't find a single place where he said anything about AMIGA building the hardware themselves (except as a limited run for developers). Just as suddenly, Collas was gone, and the "plan" remains the same as it's 1998 roots. Amiga won't build hardware, they'll build technology and license it out to hardware companies. Why? Well for this week's history lesson, let's take Apple's not- so-forgotten licensing scheme. Amiga is a technology company. They don't build machines, they design and license software and hardware to third-party companies. Apple failed because when they started licensing clones, they ended up competing against the very people who were paying them for licenses. In most cases, Mac licensees were able to undercut Apple's pricing on the real Macintosh machines. As a result, no one bought clones because they wanted real Macs but couldn't afford them. Likewise, those that did buy Mac clones, cut severely into Apple's profit margin.. In the end, it's best not to repeat your enemy's failures I think. Sincerely, and see you next Friday, Wayne Hunt Site Manager, Amiga.org ------------------------------------------------------------------- **** News Items added in the last five days ------------------------------------------------------------------- **** If you know of an Amiga-related news item and want us to **** cover it, please go to **** http://amiga.org/feedback/submitnews.shtml ------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Executive Update (1999-09-17) Tom Schmidt, President and CEO of Amiga clarifies a few points from his earlier update. Especially concerning the MCC and OE. URL: http://www.amiga.com/diary/executive-e.html Motorola Discloses New PowerPC Microprocessor Strategy Roadmap (1999-09-17) In a move to demonstrate their strong long-term commitment to the PowerPC architecture as a strategic solution addressing multiple markets, Motorola (NYSE: MOT) today revealed its PowerPC Microprocessor Strategy Roadmap. Details included information on the future direction for development of leading-edge microprocessors, integrated devices, innovative design methodologies and manufacturing processes, as well as an aggressive strategy for rapid reuse of these technologies. URL: http://www.mot.com/SPS/PowerPC/library/press_releases/newroadmap_pr.html OS 3.5 Demonstration (1999-09-17) On Saturday, September the 18th, Dirk Harlaar of Haage & Partner will perform a demonstration of the new OS3.5 in Leeuwarden, located in the Netherlands. Due to the timing of this demonstration, this will more than likely be done with the final release version. The event is organized by the AGGF and ComputerCity, the OS3.5 distributor in the Benelux area. URL: http://www.realdreams.cz/amiga/local/14_9OS35show.html News.com article on Amiga (FINALLY) (1999-09-17) It doesn't say much more than the BusinessWeek article, but it quotes modern sources, doesn't seem to get any facts wrong, and points out that Amiga's plans really haven't changed all that much in the long term. URL: http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1006-200-120890.html?tag=st.ne.1002.tgif?st.ne.fd.gif.d Interview with World Foundry (1999-09-16) AmigaExtreme recently conducted an interview with the World Foundry about their upcoming game Maim & Mangle. URL: http://www.amigaextreme.com/interviews/twf/1.html 4 New Amiga Audio CD's Released (1999-09-16) F1 has had several music disks in it's collection for quite some time now. After some consideration and a few requests, they have decided to make them into Audio CD's, with lot's more goodies attached for the more modern users. URL: http://www.mushy-pd.demon.co.uk/audio.html Transmeta connection dismissed (1999-09-16) The above link is an interview with Transmeta CEO David Ditzel that dismisses, once and for all, any connection between Amiga and Transmeta. URL: http://www.pathfinder.com/time/digital/daily/0,2822,30905,00.html Amiga boss charts software-only course (1999-09-16) An article by The Register which delves into analyzing the Executive Update from Tom Schmidt and their interpretation of recent events. URL: http://www.theregister.co.uk/990915-000018.html Dr. Rick LeFaivre Speaks! (1999-09-15) Here's a news snippet from Amiga Aktuel. While we can't reach anyone to verify, it makes for interesting reading. Martin Henke, their 'Chief Translating Officer called Amiga's Dr. LeFaivre for clarification on the current Amiga situation. The Link above leads to a 'transcript' of the conversation. URL: http://www.mediaspace.net/amigaaktuell/international/hot.html Boing.net to launch on 9/19 (1999-09-15) While details are scarce, an e-mail arrived this morning heralding the pending arrival of a new Amiga website, boing.net on the 19th. URL: http://www.boing.net/ Photogenics 4.2 released. (1999-09-15) Paul Nolan is pleased to announce Photogenics 4.2, another free update to existing users of Photogenics 4.x. URL: http://www.paulnolan.com/features.html Open letter to Tom Schmidt (1999-09-14) The latest Executive Update left just the same question unanswered as all those initial announcements by new CEO's before. Therefore, Martin Baute, newsmaster of Amiga News & Stories, wrote an Open Letter, that asks the one basic question... URL: http://www.realdreams.cz/amiga/local/14_92tom.html Carl Sassenrath Joins AmigaOnLine.NET (1999-09-14) AmigaOnline.net proudly welcomes one of the legendary members of the original Amiga team, Carl Sassenrath, to its ranks. Quote Carl: "The timing is perfect! This is a great way to reunite Amigans everywhere!" URL: http://www.amigaonline.net/boingdomain/amigaonlinenews.html Amiga Speaks....a little (1999-09-14) Earlier this week, it was reported that Petro T would post an update on the Amiga situation. Instead, we got an Executive Update by Amiga CEO, Tom Schmidt. It confirms that some of the recent articles in the press are incorrect, but doesn't specify whether or not Amiga's plans have changed. URL: http://amiga.com/diary/executive-e.html Amiga Info/AI Echo is closing. (1999-09-13) The only printed Swedish Amiga magazine Amiga Info/AI Echo announced September 10 that it has ceased publishing. URL: http://www.xfiles.se/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Resources added in the last seven days **** ------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Is your website or product posted on our site? If not **** **** please visit http://amiga.org/cgi-local/add.cgi ASAP! **** ------------------------------------------------------------------- Eyetech's Amiga web site (added: 10-Sep-1999) http://www.eyetech.co.uk/MAIN/AINDEX.HTM Web site for major UK developer/supplier of Amiga-based products including many hard-to-find items. Products shipped worldwide in 2-7 days. ------------------------------------------------------------------- AmiSITE (added: 10-Sep-1999) http://www.amisite.de/ Amiga news site, with a slant in mailing lists and newsgroups. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage Website (added: 10-Sep-1999) http://members.dencity.com/stubeloo/frames.html Mirage is the definitive site for computer-music. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ireland.amiga.org (added: 11-Sep-1999) http://ireland.amiga.org Affiliate of amiga.org, lots of information for Irish (and international) Amiga users. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Cheats (added: 11-Sep-1999) http://members.xoom.com/ClassGames/ Over 700 pages of cheats, tips, level codes etc, for Amiga games. Also downloads for UAE and Fellow. ------------------------------------------------------------------- france.amiga.tm (added: 11-Sep-1999) http://france.amiga.tm Amiga news and resources dedicated to the French-speaking Amiga Community ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Apex Designs (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://welcome.to/apex.designs Developers of high-quality Amiga software. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Cinema4D 5? (added: 13-Sep-1999) http://fly.to/cinemasrc A website dedicated to try and pressure Maxon to release the source code of Cinema4D. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Videology Inc - Service, Sales and Support for Amiga Systems (added: 13-Sep-1999) http://www.videology.org Videology supports all Classic Amigas and will continue to provide service, sales and support for all future Amigas. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CineReal (added: 13-Sep-1999) http://cinereal.com CineReal provides Amiga products, software and peripherals to Ottawa and throughout Canada's National Capital Region. We sell hardware and software from Village Tronic, Haage & Partner, Microcode Solutions, Phase 5, Asimware, Cloanto, Ozware, and Newtek. We are a loyal member of 'TEAM AMIGA' , the UGN, Amici Amiga, and Amiga.Info. MC & AMX ------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Disk File Suite Official Home Page (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/7094/index1.htm ADF-Suite contains two program to help you manage your ADF'S (Amiga Emulator Files!). ADF-ZAP is a hex viewer specific to ADF's and ADF-DM (Disk Manager) is a powerful disk manager for ADF's. Version 1.5 of ADF-DM is just out, with new amazing features! This is a essential utility of all emulator users!! Check It Out Now! ------------------------------------------------------------------- CLEAR - the Campaign to Leave Emulation Alone (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://ds.dial.pipex.com/town/estate/dh69/clear/ CLEAr is an organization dedicated to defending software emulators from those who view them as software piracy tools. ------------------------------------------------------------------- GLYPH's Lightwave 3D page (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/9315/lw/index.html GLYPH's Lightwave 3D page You have reached my LightWave 3D navigation page. Hope you enjoy it. When you're done, you can take a look at the rest of my site by visiting my home page. LIGHTWAVE STUFF Tips and tutorials Plugins ARexx macros Cheezy gallery Jo ------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Directory - Computers: Systems (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://dmoz.org/Computers/Systems/ As the web grows, automated search engines and directories with small editorial staffs will be unable to cope with the volume of sites. The Open Directory Project's goal is to produce the most comprehensive directory of the web, by relying on a vast army of volunteer editors. ------------------------------------------------------------------- FreeCiv Website - The new generation (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.freeciv.org/ FreeCiv is a multiplayer strategy game, released under the GNU General Public License. It is generally comparable with Civilization II®, published by Microprose®. ------------------------------------------------------------------- www.nysa - Index (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.nysa.u-net.com/ www.nysa.u-net.com - Stephen Williams's own little waste of bandwidth ------------------------------------------------------------------- Zophar's Domain: Amiga Emulators for Unix (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.zophar.net/unix/amiga.html Amiga Emulators for Unix Name Download Version Last Updated OS Description UAE Download (Linux) Download Source 0.697.6 06/20/97??/??/?? LinuxUnix This emulator was the first working Amiga emulator and is still the best. It has great compatiblity, sound, ------------------------------------------------------------------- UVL - Universal Videogame List (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://www.g-o-l.com/uvl/home.asp It's mainly a humongous database containing many, many videogames, any info about them, screenshots and respective emulators. Our main purpose is to save all the videogames, appeared until now, from the oblivion. Obviously, there are mani Amiga games, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to the Roots - Amiga Culture Directory Project (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.emuunlim.com/back2roots/ Back to the Roots - a comprehensive Amiga sofware directory with extensive legal download section and emulator compatibility info. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ROMLIST: Database (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.romlist.com/rl_database.htm ROMLIST - the arcade game emulator programmers source of game roms ------------------------------------------------------------------- Jaybee's AmigaInABox! (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.emuunlim.com/aiab/ Its an Amiga, but its in a box! Everything you need to get started with UAE is here! ------------------------------------------------------------------- B.E.L. - Menu (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.backyard.u-net.com/menu.htm The place to go for all things emulator related. Arcade, NeoGeo, SNES, Genesis etc... You name it, we've got links for it! 100's of rom links too. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Virtual Manual Museum (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.cstone.net/~rich/index.html The Virtual Manual Museum (VMM) is intended to be a repository for high-quality transcriptions of original, dated game materials to HTML format. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fleecy Moss (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.netreach.net/~fleecy The official home page for Fleecy Moss ------------------------------------------------------------------- The High Voltage SID Collection (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://home.freeuk.net/wazzaw/HVSC/ The High Voltage SID Collection ----- the ultimate Commodore 64 music collection! ----- INFO FAQ STIL NEWS SEARCH PLAYERS & TOOLS MIRRORS LINKS The C64 Banner Exchange News Flash: August 14, 1999 A second site added to the main HVSC page for Updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------- APRI's homepage (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.aprisoft.com/indexd.htm APRI is a Turkish Software Group who works for only New Generation Amiga Family and PCs. APRI is located in Eskisehir / TURKEY. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Symbiotic Design Group (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.symbioticdesign.com/copyrightnotice.html Symbiotic Design Group is dedicated to the strict interpretation and/or original creative conception; the visualization, design, production and application of our clients' vision. We are dedicated to the creative arts, visual communication, and presentation through art and technology in design and development. We understand the limits of multiple medias on multiple platforms and address each project accordingly and individually. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Savel main index. Links to Amiga software/hardware pages, an... (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www1.omnitel.net/savel/index2.html Main of Savel. Here you can find all main links to amiga, autoindex, friends, Lithuania, Kaunas. Also some commercial and usefull links. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Raydar's Home Page (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.concentric.net/~Raydar The official homepage of Ray Darrah, aka EXEC on IRC's Amiganet. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Zenmetal Software (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.cnetbbs.net/ ZenMetal Software is a partnership dedicated to CNet Amiga and all things Amiga. We purchased CNet Amiga at a time when the Amiga was (and perhaps still is) in a period of unprecedented doom. However, Amiga users are a determined bunch and for this very reason we purchased CNet Amiga and created ZenMetal Software around CNet Amiga. At the present time, our only commercial product is CNet Amiga. However, we may at a later time consider other projects. Presently, CNet Amiga is our only focus. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ScreamerII Introduction (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.concentric.net/~Raydar/ScreamerII ScreamerII is an Amiga program for LightWave 4.0 users who: Have found LightWave's built-in ScreamerNet controller less than adequate. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Deniz AYTAN's Homepage (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://abone.turk.net/aytan/homepage.htm Welcome to Deniz AYTAN's HOMEPAGE Hi, I am a 21 year-old Turkish computer fan. I am interested in MP3 Music files and all types of images. You can reach me via ICQ (My # is 4561391) or E-Mail by clicking here. SPECIAL: Please follow this LINK for reaching ------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga WebLink Object Model (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.weblink.org/weblink/Model/index.html This page contains the PROPOSED object model for WebLink. See also the other links on the Overview page. Entire View Objects Resources Interfaces Preferences Email: thought@weblink.org ------------------------------------------------------------------- BarNone (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.frii.com/~srk/ShadowWorks/BarNone/English/BN-Main.html The Ultimate Amiga Controller Bar None What is BarNone? It is the most flexible system controller program in existence today, and the ultimate tool for those who want a custom workstation environment. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Zauner Clemens: Amiga Homepage (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.onlineloop.com/czauner/Amiga.html As a 7 year User of Amigas (currently an A500 and an A4000/40) I collected some resources for my machines. ------------------------------------------------------------------- WolfPac 3D (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.onlineloop.com/WolfPac/eng/ Günter Erhart and OnLineLoop are proud to present a new Pacman: WolfPac is the new 3D Pacman. WolfPac allows you to live the adventures of Pacman from it's own perspective. ------------------------------------------------------------------- GfX3d.library Official Support Page (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/8980/gfx3d.html FAST 3d graphics shared library for any AGA Amiga ------------------------------------------------------------------- Casio QV Information for AmigaOS (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.thehub.u-net.com/casio/main.htm Casio QV Digital Camera Cables Cables needed to connect it all together. Software Software and how to use it :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg Donner's Page (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://home.earthlink.net/~gregdonner/index.html Web pages are really only worth visiting if you have something to offer. With this in mind I offer some freeware icons/clipart/brushes, as well as hosting the Amiga Computer Enthusiasts of Elkhart, Indiana web page. You can also find an archived collection of datatypes for Amiga OS 3.x here, and the Workbench Nostalgia site for timeless information about the Amiga's Workbench. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Moses Wildermuth's Semi-Professional Page (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.angelfire.com/ia/mosespro/noframes.html OnLine Periodicals Menu Contact me with ICQ Picture Gallery Professional Resume About my Amiga Computer Gamma World the Game Email: mosespro@ecity.net ------------------------------------------------------------------- AccuWeather(r) - The World's Weather Authority(tm) (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.accuweather.com/weatherf/index_corp/ AccuWeather(r) - The World's Weather Leader(tm) ------------------------------------------------------------------- CrappyArc (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://freespace.virgin.net/jim.watson1/craparc What is CrappyArc? It's an Arcanoid clone, which is crap. Doh... Actually, it's not that crap, it's just that it doesn't have much to make it very interesting. There are a few interesting points in the game engine: Gravity and inertia Friction with walls ------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT - Frequently asked questions (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.act-net.com/Prelude/faqe.html Part of the Albrecht Computer Technik (ACT) website, this page deals with Frequently Asked Questions about the Prelude Soundcard. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Prelude Arpeggiator Digital Audio Interface (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.act-net.com/Prelude/arpeggiatore.html Arpeggiator is a digital audio interface for Prelude Z-II for transferring audio data without quality loss. It has a built in Prelude-Bus extension so that you can connect other expansions like the MPEG-it! module without any problems. ------------------------------------------------------------------- New York Amiga Users Group (Amuse) Home Page (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.tiac.net/users/linusly Looking for fellow Amiga users in the New York City area? Please come to our next meeting! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to [www.amiga-software.com] (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.amiga-software.com Welcome to our world. This site is filled with links to software, magazines and groups regarding the AMIGA®- Computer. The success, variety and quality of links depend on your cooperation - so please help us to support the AMIGA community and keep the spirit alive by sending us interesting links or adding new URLs to our database. ------------------------------------------------------------------- StarDustr's MCF Home Page (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://home.ptd.net/~strdustr/amirc/MCF.html MCF is an acronymn, which is short for "Master Control Functions". It is a set of integrated ARexx scripts that were created to run with AmIRC and provide features not originally coded into AmIRC. ------------------------------------------------------------------- SamplitudeOPUS (added: 12-Sep-1999) http://www.act-net.com/Prelude/samplitudee.html SamplitudeOPUS is the advanced version of Samplitude by SEK´D - now developed by A.C.T. bringing more features and most flexibility for high quality harddisk recording and effective sample-editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Galaxy Gateway (added: 14-Sep-1999) http://www.ggcs.net.au/ Amiga-Friendly Internet Service Provider in Redland Bay, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual Dimension (added: 15-Sep-1999) http://www.virtualdimension.de Amiga & PC software development, featuring the Amiga-games "Walls '97", "Othello - The virtual board-game", "BombSquare" and "Cybermove". ------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Amiga Ezine (added: 15-Sep-1999) http://www.boing.net Planet Amiga Ezine The site with bite... ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Amiga Computer (added: 15-Sep-1999) http://www.stonelawdrive.freeserve.co.uk/dwm/wsdcoursework/index.html Site is about the Amiga, covering history, past models, OS's and some current clones. Also covers AmigaNG. ------------------------------------------------------------------- F1 Software (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://www.mushy-pd.demon.co.uk The world's largest collection of Amiga licenseware games and utilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rest Of the Rest Of the World Baseball Association (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://www.geocities.com/darwinshields The Baseball league the most expanded in the world on Amiga computers. See the divisions, teams, players stats, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------- AAA Amiga Aktuell Austria (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://amiganews.spedia.net Serious Amiga News specially for Austria ------------------------------------------------------------------- Opus.Amiga.TM (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://opus.amiga.tm A blast from the past "Springtime for Yuppies and other Amiga Madness". Amiga had Opus in their camp in 1987!!! Linux's use of him comes 9 YEARS later. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Amiga Lambs (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://lostamigalambs.amiga,tm Site dedicated to bringing Amiga Nuts together by listing users by Region/country/state/city so that people can find LOCAL Amiga users. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Search.Amiga.TM (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://search.amiga.tm Search for HOT Amiga News all over the Internet. Also find Amiga News from non-Amiga sources. Find Amiga sites on all kinds of unusual places like IBM, NASA - etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Catweasel (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://www.jschoenfeld.com/ecatweasel.htm Catweasel is a universal floppy disk controller that uses unmodified PC diskdrives. The Catweasel can handle nearly any disk format, you just have to find a drive for them. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Buddha (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://www.jschoenfeld.com/ebuddha.htm Buddha is an IDE controller for all Amiga systems with zorro slots. ------------------------------------------------------------------- IDE-fix Express (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://www.jschoenfeld.com/eidefix.htm 4-drive buffered IDE interface for the A1200 The IDE-fix adapter doubles the internal IDE port of your A1200. At the same time it's an adapter from the rather uncommon 2.5 inch standard to the less expensive 3.5 inch standard connections. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Graffiti (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://www.jschoenfeld.com/egraffiti.htm Graffiti is a hardware scandoubler for the Amiga which allows it to use all standard PC monitors. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Altantis (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://www.jschoenfeld.com/eatlantis.htm Atlantis is an external soundcard for all Amiga systems with external floppy-connector or Buddha/Catweasel Controller. ------------------------------------------------------------------- KickFlash (added: 16-Sep-1999) http:// Be prepared for Kickstart V3.5! Kickflash is a special kind of Rom-Swapper for the kickstart-rom(s) of your Amiga. Being different from regular Rom-Swappers, Kickflash doesn't have room for a second or third rom chip. Instead, it has got flash memory that can hold a kickstart rom image. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual Computers (added: 16-Sep-1999) http://www.jschoenfeld.com/emainframe.htm Individual Computers is the company responsible for such wonderful Amiga innovations as the Catweasel, Buddha, IDE- fix, and the Graffiti. --------------------------------------------------------------------